Nut Milk Bag

Nut Milk Bag

This nut milk bag is ideal for making your very own nut milk from almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts and a wide array of other nuts. Our nut milk bag has a square bottom and is entirely made of fine mesh nylon material that will last much longer than cotton and other materials. Due to the nylon mesh material our nut milk bag will not add any test to your milks.

You can use this nut milk bag in order to make nut milk to be used in recipes that usually require milk, such as milk shakes, cereals, etc.

For the best results with your nut milk bag we recommend blending cold fresh spring water, raw organic almonds, vanilla extract and either honey, agave nectar or stevia together with a pinch of celtic sea salt. Once blended strain the mixture through your new nut milk bag into a large glass mason jar or bottle and store in the refrigerator. You can then turn the nut milk bag inside out, rinse and hang up to dry for a few minutes. Your nut milk bag will be ready to use the next time you need to make your own homemade nut milk. One of our favorite things to do with the nut milk bag is mix in a little spirulina or dulse in order to provide more vitamins and minerals along with your new nut milk.

Another thing we like to use our nut milk bag for is sprouting seeds like sunflower seeds, raw organic almonds and several other sproutable nuts. Simply add your sprouting nuts or seeds to the nut milk bag, soak in water for a few seconds then hang up to dry. Within a few days your seeds will begin to sprout which you can store and then rinse out your nut milk bag for use in the near future.

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