Maca Premium Extreme Powder

Maca Premium Extreme Powder

Maca Premium Extreme Powder is an organic, raw maca extract from the maca root in Peru. Maca powder has a strong fertility enhancing quality. Our Maca Premium Extreme Powder is prepared from the most select organic raw maca roots and then cold-pressure washed to remove any excess dirt from the root.


  • Ancient Peruvian food
  • Firtility-enhancing properties
  • Cold-pressure washed roots
  • Fresh processed into paste
  • Low temperature dried
  • Contains 20 amino acids
  • Minerals including calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and selenium
  • Immune boosting compounds (6 times the regular amount of glucosinolates in other maca brands)
  • Increases libido
  • Improves strength stamina using macamides and macaenes (4 times the regular amount)
  • High in vitamins B1, B2, C and E

Suggested Use

We recommend adding this as a sweetener or flavor in drinks, smoothies and recipes you need to sweeten.

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